Tuesday, April 28, 2015

friendship bracelets DIY

How to Make Friendship Bracelets?

Are you looking for friendship bracelet making instructions? Learning how to make friendship bracelets is fun and they aren't hard to make at all.

There are many different types of friendship bracelets, but they all have a common purpose. They are all symbols of the love you have for your cherished friend. Giving someone a friendship bracelet is a great way to show them how much you care for them.


you 'll need:
embroidery thread
•a safety pin or tape
•a pair of scissors



1. Pick your colors

Pick any 6 colors that appeal to you. You could use more or less colors if you want to. The more strings you have the wider your bracelet will be. Therefore, if you want to use just two colors you have to use more strings of each color to make the bracelet wide enough.



2.  Cut from each color a string of about a meter long.





3. Make a knot in the middle of the string with a loop above it.

4.Tape the string to the floor or a table.

5.Arrange your strings beginning and ending with the same color. In the middle you will have the same color next to each other.
#2.Make a knot with the string most left over the string on the right next to it.
#3#4#5.Make another knot with the same thread over the string right next to that one until you reach the middle of the bracelet. You will know have made a knot over all of the strings on the left side.
#6#7#8.Do the same on the right side.
#9#10.Make a knot with both of the strings you just used to make all of the knots.

7.repeat step 6 again with the color which is now on the most left and the most right.
8.Repeat this knotting until your bracelet is long enough to almost fit your arm.
9.Finishing off the bracelets is pretty straight forward, simply braid the ends and knot the tips. You should be sure to do this when giving the bracelet as a gift.


10.now the rest of the work is the recipient's work. lay your wrist on the bracelet and measure the bracelet length to your arm. pull one of the excess straight through the loop and tie a knot.

enjoy your bracelet!